Our host, Eva, welcomes Rachel Coyle, a Coalition Organizing Fellow at NY Renews. Based in NYC, Rachel is a dedicated climate advocate and activist. She holds a bachelor’s degree from Fordham University and, before joining NY Renews, worked as a sustainability consultant, helping businesses with carbon accounting and decarbonization. She also served as a community organizer with WE ACT for Environmental Justice, focusing on climate and housing justice in Harlem.
NY Renews website: https://www.nyrenews.org/
NY Renews Mailing List: https://actionnetwork.org/forms/join-us-to-fight-for-climate-jobs-and-justice
NY Renews Fund Climate Campaign: https://www.nyrenews.org/fcc
New York City Environmental Justice Alliance Report on Affordability of Cap-and-Invest: https://www.rff.org/publications/reports/analyzing-affordability-supporting-households-under-new-yorks-cap-trade-and-invest-policy/
WE ACT Climate Justice Working Group: https://www.weact.org/home-3-2-2-2/getinvolved/membership/cjwg/