Welcome to Climate Check: Stories and Solutions for fighting climate change. This Podcast takes on the big questions: Where are we now, and where do we need to go from here? Each monthly episode breaks down the climate crisis through conversations with local climate activists and community organizers. They cover the many ways the climate crisis affects our lives, and what we can do together to foster a world that is equitable and sustainable. We discuss individual climate stories and pinpoint policies and local actions that can lead us to a healthier climate and a more just society—from fighting pipelines to working with nature and everything in-between.
Climate Check: Stories and Solutions is a production of 350Brooklyn in Brooklyn, New York. 350Brooklyn is a grassroots organization built on the power of ordinary people working together. We strive to counter the climate crisis through local action and work toward a world that is just, equitable, and sustainable and where all beings can thrive.
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350Brooklyn works locally to address the climate crisis through education, legislation and direct action. We work toward a world that is just, equitable, and sustainable and where all beings can thrive. 350Brooklyn is a local affiliate of 350.org, a global grassroots organization. For more information visit www.350brooklyn.org. You can also follow 350Brooklyn on Facebook and Twitter.